acreditare IAAR

Medicine, Stomatology and Pharmacy integrated study programs of „Nicolae Testemitanu” University - internationally accredited

Published: 30.11.2022

acreditare IAARThe Medicine, Stomatology and Pharmacy integrated study programs of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova meet the quality standards of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME). This is confirmed by the Decision of the Council of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) in Kazakhstan and the certificates on the accreditation of the three integrated study programs for the next 5 years. First vice-rector Olga Cernetchi, vice-rector for didactic activity, informed about this fact during the Senate meeting on 24 November 2022.

Among the strengths of the University, identified by foreign experts, are: the provision of modern means and equipment - necessary for the training and scientific research process; its own clinical bases; permanent updating of the curricula and study programs; the existence and functionality of the University Management Information System (SIMU) which makes the connection between the operational processes of the University and the study programs, the assessment of students' knowledge of the fundamental subjects through SIMU and MOODLE; motivated, goal-oriented and results oriented students, and student support and guidance services, etc.

The following strong points have been also listed: participation of the academic staff in the expertise of the educational programs of foreign medical and pharmaceutical universities; close collaboration in the field of education, research and innovation with foreign universities and similar faculties; extensive cooperation with universities, faculties and medical research centers of more than 27 countries in the field of education, medical research and medical assistance.

acreditare IAARAt the same time, the IAAR Commission came up with some recommendations, including the extended inclusion of disciplines focused on evidence-based practice and critical thinking in curricula, as well as disciplines based on the training and development of students' research skills; the integration of modern teaching-learning methods and their introduction into the discipline’s curriculum not only as teaching methods, but also as assessment methods; the continuous implementation in the training process and in practice of the most current achievements of science and technology; development of appropriate case studies (Case study analysis) for assessment, PBL tests (Problem Based Learning) for exams, scenarios and assessment criteria and their application as a mandatory component of training and assessment. One of the recommendations was to establish a university hospital.


"We have many strengths we are proud of and which constitute the basis of the experts' decision, but there are also aspects that we are going to improve. For this reason, we will move to another stage of activity to face the challenges of time. Of course, we will take into account all the recommendations, we will discuss and analyze them in detail and we will implement them in such a way that our institution develops continuously, and the quality of medical and pharmaceutical education increases", pointed out rector Emil Ceban.

In conclusion, the rector congratulated the entire university community for this accomplishment, expressing his gratitude and appreciation for the work done to achieve this priority objective, in accordance with the Strategic Development Plan of Nicolae Testemitanu University during the period 2021-2030. "We demonstrated that we have a high organizational culture and that we are a professional and consolidated team, devoted to carrying out Alma Mater's mission with dignity. I would like to thank each of you for our joint efforts to enhance the quality of medical and pharmaceutical higher education, the prestige of our university at the national and international level, and ensure a secure future for Nicolae Testemitanu graduates, concluded rector Emil Ceban.

acreditare IAARIt should be mentioned that on 13-15 September 2022, Nicolae Testemitanu University was visited by an IAAR commission. During this external evaluation mission, the commission analyzed the level of provision, appreciation and recognition of the University's educational offer, in particular the programs of integrated studies: Medicine, Stomatology and Pharmacy. The evaluation program included an individual interview of the rector, as well as meetings with several target groups: vice-rectors, deans of faculties, heads of departments and other university subdivisions, teaching and scientific-teaching staff, students, resident doctors, graduates and employers. The mission of international accreditation of integrated study programs also included surveying teaching staff and students and undertaking documentation visits to teaching blocks, departments, clinical bases and hostels for the evaluation of the institution’s infrastructure and the endowment with modern equipment as well as the liiving, research and study conditions. 

Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova obtained the status of an internationally accredited institution for a period of 5 years, according to WFME standards, in June 2019.

It should be noted that the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) stated "...effective from 2023 (postponed to 2024), doctors applying for ECFMG certification will be required to graduate from a higher medical institution that has been properly accredited . ... The higher medical school must be accredited through a formal process that uses criteria comparable to those established for medical education and accepted globally, such as those endorsed by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME).


acreditare IAAR
acreditare IAAR
acreditare IAAR
acreditare IAAR
acreditare IAAR
acreditare IAAR
acreditare IAAR
acreditare IAAR
acreditare IAAR
acreditare IAAR
acreditare IAAR
acreditare IAAR
acreditare IAAR
acreditare IAAR
acreditare IAAR
acreditare IAAR
international accreditation
Strategic Development Plan

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