Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath

Over 1000 young specialists in the field of healthcare have pledged to exercise their profession with dignity, devotion and responsibility

Published: 19.06.2024

jurământul medicului

Graduates of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova - Class of 2024 - took the Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath in Romanian and English. This year 1025 specialists graduated from the University, solemnly promising to exercise their profession conscientiously, with honor, and to consider the health of patients as a priority.

The ceremony was attended by guests of honor: the President of the Republic of Moldova Maia Sandu, the Minister of Health Ala Nemerenco, the Minister of Education and Research Dan Perciun, who addressed congratulatory messages to the young specialists and professors at the University. 

For the first time, the event took place on June 12, at the Chisinau Arena, and was inaugurated with the ceremonial raising of flags belonging to the countries of origin of the Class of 2024 graduates - young people who preferred to study medicine in the Republic of Moldova, at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

"Today..., you pledge to take care of the health and well-being of an entire society, which places its hopes for physical and moral health in you. And on your way to self-assertion, don't forget to be grateful to your teachers, deans, vice-deans, parents and families, who have always supported you, contributing to the realization of your dream of becoming doctors and pharmacists, specialists in the field of healthcare", pointed out rector Emil Ceban at the opening of the celebration. 


President Maia Sandu expressed her appreciation for the teaching staff of Nicolae Testemitanu University where today's graduates studied at programs accredited by the World Federation for Medical Education and where many of them will return for specializations and consultations during their careers. "The teachers who taught you shared their experience and deserve our gratitude and appreciation. You will continue to grow professionally as the medical sciences evolve rapidly. The scientific approach in medicine saves lives, and in the profession you have chosen, learning never ends, regardless of the specialty", the Head of State emphasized.

The country's president invited young specialists to stay and practice at home, in the Republic of Moldova, because the authorities are taking measures to increase the capacity of medical institutions to respond to health challenges in the current circumstances. "Today, Moldova is making great efforts to advance rapidly on the path of joining the European Union. In European Moldova, every citizen will benefit from quality health services, and doctors will have good working conditions. I wish for us to live in a European Moldova soon. So that you, the future, but also today’s doctors, save lives here, at home, because in Moldova there are working conditions just as good as anywhere in Europe", declared Maia Sandu.

According to the University's tradition, the ritual of taking the Oath by graduates was followed by passing on the torch of knowledge, a symbol of temerity, which keeps the flame of desire to know more, to create, to search and find solutions, representing the slogan While I burn, I give light to others!, laying of flowers at the bust of Nicolae Testemitanu and the last sound of the bell.

On behalf of the Senate and the entire university community, rector Ceban cordially congratulated the graduates on their graduation from the University and their professional start, wishing them peace, well-being, confidence in their own strength, determination in the realization of all future projects and success in their professional careers.

Emil Ceban

"Dear young colleagues, as of today, you have become members of the medical community in the Republic of Moldova and in your countries of origin. We are fully convinced that the knowledge obtained at our university will allow you to successfully integrate into the European medical system... I assure you that the doors of Alma Mater will always remain open, because you have successfully completed only the first stage of acquiring the profession. We urge you to stay here, at home, to support the development of the national health system and, together, to build European Moldova. In fall, we look forward to seeing you at the University, to continue your residency or master's studies, because the medical professions, on which people's lives and health depend, require continuous professional education throughout the entire life", the rector concluded.

Health Minister Ala Nemerenco thanked the graduates for choosing one of the most difficult, but special and necessary professions for society – that of saving human lives. The official emphasized that, by taking the Oath, the young specialists committed themselves to respecting the ethical principles of the profession and to "offer the best care to patients, with empathy, dedication and perseverance. You have chosen the noblest vocation that requires a lot of professionalism, dedication, humanity, responsibility and sacrifice. Dear graduates, I wish you success in your residency and we look forward to seeing you in the health system, to build together a European future here, at home".

According to the Minister of Education and Research Dan Perciun, the best students always choose to study medicine: "Congratulations to the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy for the fact that it succeeds, year after year, in attracting the best graduates of the educational system. You should know that 70% of all high school graduates who got marks 9 and 10 choose to come to the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy. This is proof of the quality of studies at this university and of its reputation... Dear graduates, I encourage you to love people, regardless of their social status. They will be standing in front of you at the most vulnerable time in their lives, with enormous expectations, and you at that moment will hold a superpower. Use it responsibly, with a lot of love and with a lot of empathy towards them. No matter what circumstances you go through, never forget the oath you took."

jurământul medicului

The deans of the faculties also congratulated the young graduates, highlighting their achievements and the fact that they are well prepared to contribute to maintaining health and ensuring the well-being of society. They urged their disciples to be guided by fundamental values: truth, kindness, empathy and love for people...

With flowers and messages of gratitude for teachers, parents and colleagues, came some of the best graduates of the University: Pavel Cepraga, Daniela Cebanu, Abu Leheya Omar, Arafat Majda, Cai Zehua and Dorin Bogus, who pledged to be ambassadors of Nicolae Testemitanu University and honor it through their actions. They thanked Alma Mater for opening the doors of knowledge to them, contributing to the discovery and growth of their potential, as well as the rector, deans and teaching staff, who devotedly supported their academic and professional development, shaped their career and instilled the core values ​​of the profession, and from whom they learned that medicine is an art of the soul, where compassion and ethics are as important as science.

The 2024 graduation class of Nicolae Testemitanu University is represented by 604 local graduates and 421 graduates from 13 countries. Of the total number, the following integrated study programs have been completed: Medicine – by 746 students, Dentistry – by 152, Pharmacy – by 78 and Preventive Medicine – by 7; as well as the undergraduate programs: Public Health – by 14, Nursing – by 11, Optometry – by 10 and Radiological Technology – by 7 young people. Another 30 people completed their master's studies in the following programs: Human Nutrition – 16, Public Mental Health – 11 and Clinical Optometry – 3.

Photo gallery

Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
jurământul medicului
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
jurământul medicului
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Doctor's and Pharmacist's Oath
Maia Sandu
Ala Nemerenco
Dan Perciun
The Hippocratic Oath

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