Disaster and emergency first aid training course
At Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, a theoretical and practical training course was held regarding the behavior and provision of first aid in the event of calamities and emergency situations, intended for students in the last years of their studies, resident doctors , doctoral students, teaching staff and young specialists. The event was organized between May 20-24, 2024 by our university jointly with representatives of the National Guard from the state of North Carolina, the United States of America, the US Air Force in Europe, within the bilateral partnership between the Republic of Moldova and the state of North Carolina. Among the beneficiaries of these exercises were several groups of doctors from Moldovan hospitals and military, and among the trainers were also representatives of the US Army Security Forces Assistance Brigade and the Civil Military Support Element (CMSE).
The first vice-rector Olga Cernetchi, vice-rector for didactic activity, expressed thanks and gratitude to the trainers and, first of all, to Mrs. Elaine F. Marshall, the Secretary of State of North Carolina, who reacted promptly, after being informed, during her last visit at our university (March 2024), about the need to organize such trainings for students, resident doctors and teaching staff. In this context, the first vice-rector emphasized that the specialists participated in a marathon of theoretical and practical knowledge during which calamity and disaster situations were simulated, helping them develop skills in providing first aid, but also in communication, coordination and prioritization of actions.
Nisha Bauer, lieutenant colonel with the US Air Forces in Europe, noted that "for a week we shared experience in emergency care and trauma, using medical capabilities to assess patients in need of medical help." For their part, the American instructors learned about the specifics of the activity of Moldovan specialized institutions that can intervene in emergency situations and exchanged experience with specialists from the Republic of Moldova.
Matthew Noland, sergeant in the National Guard of the state of North Carolina, thanked everyone for the opportunity to visit our country, especially rector Emil Ceban and the University staff for the organization and actual conduct of the event. "The training courses were attended by several employees of the Ministry of Defense, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and representatives from other universities, bringing them together in one location, to effectively use the resources of North Carolina, thanks to our host - Nicolae Testemitanu University”, stressed sergeant Noland.
According to Anatolie Bulgac, Associate Professor at the Department of Military Medicine and Disasters, during the course various scenarios of exceptional situations were simulated - natural and social disasters, military conflicts, mass protests with multiple victims. Both theoretical and practical lessons are useful, with the US military providing modern techniques, models, procedures and equipment for rescuing people through effective cooperation and communication between rescue teams. Thus, students and resident doctors had the opportunity to learn how to manage and prioritize the provision of first aid in order to reduce the number of deaths and save as many lives as possible.
Cristian, a resident doctor in the Anesthesiology and intensive care specialty, appreciated the course, especially the practical part: "As for the theoretical part, we have learned over the years at the University and are constantly updating our knowledge, but the fact that we were given scenarios, special accessories and moulds, helped us assess the situation and act effectively".
In the opinion of Timofei, a resident doctor in the Emergency Medicine specialty, this training course helped him accumulate experience for behavior in various exceptional situations, but also in everyday life when road accidents occur. "It is important in such situations to act promptly and coherently, quickly and qualitatively. Such training courses help us strengthen our skills, deal with these situations and coordinate our actions. Thanks to my American colleagues, I understood the importance of a team leader, who delegates tasks and roles. Initially, we offer assistance to the most serious condition patients, in order to have fewer human losses", concluded the young doctor.
Upon completion of the course, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy awarded certificates of appreciation to the trainers - representatives of the National Guard from the state of North Carolina and the US Air Forces in Europe. In turn, the beneficiaries of the course received certificates of participation from the authorities of the state of North Carolina.
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